Over the years, many "different" half-frame cameras that were actually the
same camera were marketed under different company names. Sometimes
they were exactly the same camera -- just with a different nameplate -- or
they were slightly modified in some way. And sometimes the cameras
were marketed with TWO companies names on the camera! This has led
to a LOT of confusion. There is no simple way to untangle this "plate
of spaghetti". The names of these companies are listed below, but they may
or may not have been made the camera you are interested in, and the same
camera may be listed on another page with another name -- links are listed
when possible.
Agfa-Ansco half frame cameras
Ansco GAF half frame cameras
Gatling half frame cameras
Memo half frame cameras
Parat half frame cameras
Nicnon half frame cameras
Teleca half frame cameras
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