Even with careful exposure, you might notice that your results are often unexpected, inconsistent, or even undesireable.  You might suspect the development of the film, even if you don't do the processing yourself.  Just because a professional or an expensive machine does the processing does not mean that you're getting the best results.  Fortunately, there are a few simple tests that you can make to assure that your film exposure matches the processing technique of the shop that handles your film.  Since this is a simplified approach, the only pieces of testing equipment you will need is a Kodak grey card and an inexpensive filter -- a Kodak ND 0.1 (neutral density) 3x3 inch gelatin filter.  These are available through most camera shops, and are useful for more things than just this test. The tests are relatively simple, but you may find that you need to repeat them several times -- depending on your situation.  

1. Since the processing is fixed by your lab, you can make a test to get the best exposure for their processing methods and your equipment.

2.  You'll need to rerun this test, for each film that you use, or if you change processing labs.

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COPYRIGHT @ 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 by Joe McGloin. All Rights Reserved.